With the growing need for construction, we stay one step ahead in looking toward the future.
Engaging in overseas operations with a focus on what lies ahead.
Globalization of human resources in preparation for the demand generated as the construction industry peaks.
The construction industry is currently on the verge of peaking as we head toward 2020, and great expectations are being held for the "deployment of overseas engineers."
At ACT ENGINEERING, we adopted the slogan, "Diversification of human resources," in 2013, and founded a local subsidiary in Vietnam in 2015 as the first step in implementing this initiative. Centered on ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM, we have not only been recruiting, fostering and dispatching overseas human resources to Japan, but we have also been supporting companies to break into overseas markets (BIM production centers), developing software for greater cost performance, etc., by making use of the technical skills of outstanding Vietnamese engineers to engage in extensive businesses.
■Overview of Local Subsidiary
- Company name :
- Business :
- Businesses in training and educating Vietnamese people, providing consultation on dispatching technical interns, introducing programs for fostering advanced human resources, providing comprehensive support to breaking into the market in Vietnam, developing software, supporting IT, providing working diagrams, and fostering BIM managers specializing in the construction industry.
- Address :
- 5 Fl The Galleria,258 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street,Ward 8,District 3,HCMC

Looking at the Business
Global Human Resources Services(Fostering of overseas human resources and dispatching of engineers)
Steady Recruitment of Young and Outstanding Human Resources in Vietnam
The main project that ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM is involved in is to foster young and outstanding Vietnamese people into engineers, and dispatch them to various major construction companies in Japan. Vietnam is known as a country with one of the closest ties to Japan in Asia, and the average age of the population is young, being below 30. The country has a wealth of workers who can prop up the construction industry. Moreover, the young people of Vietnam are known for their strong desire for self-improvement wherever they work, making the conditions ideal for securing and fostering overseas human resources. In order to attract outstanding students with a desire to acquire Japanese construction skills, ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM is cooperating with the national Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture. A system has been established to allow students to feel the connection with our company while they are still at university, for example through the setting up of a new scholarship program. Since 2016, the company has been taking part in the BIM Competition (a construction design competition) organized by Kajima Corporation as an executive committee member. A system has also been established to prioritize the recruitment of students who do well in this competition. Other than that, recruitment seminars are held regularly for students, and ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM employees have been engaging in recruitment activities at the universities they graduated from. The company has been engaging in activities to ensure the steady recruitment of human resources.

Fostering Global Human Resources with Japanese-Style Skills
"Japanese-style" is the key word we place the greatest importance on in fostering overseas human resources. Japanese construction skills have attracted attention from all over the world, and we believe in the importance of fostering human resources capable of realizing Japanese skills and knowledge, Japanese-style communication, Japanese-style attitudes toward work, Japanese-style management, and other forms of Japanese quality at construction sites throughout the world. Students actually recruited by ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM first acquire basic skills, knowledge and communication skills in Japanese needed to work on-site as foremen. After a period of preparing for working on-site in Japan, they are dispatched to companies that share an understanding of our project to "foster overseas engineers." This is how young, overseas engineers start working in Japan, and through OJT provided by ACT ENGINEERING and the companies they are dispatched to, they are given the chance to hone their own technical skills and administrative capabilities. After several years, they develop into human resources capable of handling Japanese-style work. By acquiring the skills needed to work as professional foremen, they can also help to directly alleviate the labor shortage faced by the construction industry in Japan. Moreover, after 2022, when Japan's domestic demand for construction is expected to start declining, many of them will probably disperse to start working at construction sites overseas, including those throughout Asia. Some will also no doubt return to their home country to spread Japanese-style construction in Vietnam. Ahead lies a future in which the overseas human resources of ACT ENGINEERING will realize "Japanese-style quality" throughout the world. That is precisely what we envisage for the future of our overseas business.

Process Involved in Global Human Resources Dispatching Service
Looking at the Business
Support service for breaking into overseas markets(Laboratory-style offshore development)
Practical and Highly Productive Laboratory-Style Offshore Development
The securing of human resources in Japan is expected to become increasingly difficult, and more companies are considering moving their CAD and BIM data production facilities overseas. However, establishing an overseas subsidiary requires a huge amount of time and money, making it difficult to get a business up and running on-site.
On the other hand, contract-style offshore development not only comes with the advantage of simplifying things, but it also comes with the disadvantages of problems with quality management, communication, etc.
That is why it is most practical and productive in owning an overseas subsidiary to make use of the laboratory-style offshore development we provide through our support service for breaking into overseas markets.
ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM provides support to companies in establishing their overseas subsidiaries and running them through this support service for breaking into overseas markets. We not only prepare offices for our clients, but we also provide everything else from human resources for running the laboratories, to overseeing the recruitment of local staff, and an extensive range of other services to ensure the success of overseas expansion.

Subsidiaries can start operating as production centers quickly and with out the hassles of preparations and procedures.
Vietnam has been attracting attention in recent years, within Asia, as an ideal place for setting up businesses, because of its wealth of human resources, rapid economic growth and the ambitiousness of workers similar to Japanese people. Moreover, setting up subsidiaries in Vietnam has the advantage of requiring little capital through the suppression of labor costs.
ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM's support service for breaking into overseas markets is characterized by the many advantages that Vietnam has to offer as a place to establish overseas subsidiaries due to the high technical skills of its people, reliability in securing human resources, and suppression of costs, allowing subsidiaries to be set up quickly with few procedural hassles.
Establishing an overseas subsidiary usually involves making preparations and undergoing a variety of procedures. However, the laboratory-style offshore development we provide does away with the hassles of such processes. By renting out some space in a corner of the ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM office for use as a laboratory, clients can begin operating a production center immediately. Clients can rest assured that we will make arrangements to provide everything from equipment to telephone lines, and Internet services necessary for running an office.

Building a System to Ensure Smooth Coordination between Japan and Local Subsidiaries
A key factor in the success of BIM production centers in Vietnam is the coordination between CAD and BIM offices in Japan, and the local staff working at the laboratory. Mutually smooth communication is indispensable to the success of local subsidiaries.
In order to achieve this, we dispatch Vietnamese staff with outstanding BIM skills and communication capabilities in Japanese and English to the domestic offices of clients. Instructions and orders are given out in Vietnamese to local staff by these people, ensuring there are few misunderstandings or communication problems regarding the details of requests.
As for the recruitment of local staff, ACT ENGINEERING VIETNAM will advertise for and interview the optimal number and type of human resources on behalf of clients, and put together a laboratory team.